Union Pacific #181668 Box Car
Manufactured By: Atlas
Model Number: 6485-6
Road Name: UP
Notes: I use 100% Atlas track for my layout, but this was my first Atlas rolling stock purchase. This car is part of the Atlas "Steam Era Classics" collection. It's a little out of place on my diesel layout, but I doubt the model industry police will kick up too much fuss about it. I'm impressed with the quality and attention to detail. You know they are serious about detail when the INSIDE floor of the car is textured to look like wood. The underside of the car is also very detailed. I'm sure I will add more Atlas rolling stock to my layout in time, but I'll be sure to choose from their more modern lines next time. I definitely give Atlas the thumbs up! Purchased October 2005.




This page last updated: January 16th, 2023      Contact me at:  eric@ericstrains.com

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