Union Pacfic SD40-2 #3593 Diesel Engine w/Proto-Sound 2.0
Manufactured By: MTH
Model Number: 20-2911-1
Road Name: UP
Notes: I was excited to get this engine, but when I opened it up it was a bit of a let down because of the awful color that used to paint it. Instead of it being a tan/brown camouflage, it's more of a pink/down camouflage. I can only assume that the colors were screwed up at the factory. This pinkish engine is almost laughable. It runs well, however, and the sounds et is also very good. If only it weren't pink. Built in 2008, added to my set in December of 2008.




This page last updated: January 16th, 2023      Contact me at:  eric@ericstrains.com

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