Undecorated GP38-2 Diesel Engine
Manufactured By: Weaver
Model Number: U7500L
Road Name: AWRX
Notes: Weaver sells their top of the line engines with Lionel's TMCC system installed. Wanting MTH's DCS system instead, I bought this engine with conventional controls. I plan to rip those out and install the DCS system as soon as I can. I'm then going to have these 2 undecorated GP38-2's custom painted in Georgia Northeastern Railroad livery. The GNRR is a local short line that runs through north Georgia (Including the town we live in) and into the southern tip of Tennessee. I left left the horn and windows off both units until they are painted. Stay tuned!




This page last updated: January 16th, 2023      Contact me at:  eric@ericstrains.com

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