Eric's Modern O-Scale Trains

Weaver Engines & Rolling Stock

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On this page you will find my entire roster of Weaver engines and rolling stock. It took me a while to warm up to Weaver. My first experience was with a 2-rail boxcar with plastic wheels and trucks. Not knowing anything about 2-rail operation, I thought that it was extremely cheap of them to have plastic wheels and trucks. I was also turned off by the seemingly cheap styrene plastic used on their cars. Once I learned that you could get die-cast trucks couplers on 3-rail items (they have since done away with plastic trucks entirely and now equip all of their new cars with die-cast trucks), my opinion of them was much improved. I also came to realize that the styrene plastic on Weaver products lends itself to being painted and weathered much better than the ABS plastic used by most other companies. There's something about styrene plastic that makes it take paints and weathering materials really well. So after a rocky start, I've now come to really like Weaver models. Their detailing is well done, I love the fact that you can order cars undecorated, I love that you can order any product custom weathered, and I love that you can buy most of their stuff right on their website instead of having to go through a dealer. Additionally, Weaver is a small company, which means it's easier to get personal service. For example, I was able to talk to the guy who does the weathering at Weaver and request he make a car extra dirty! He also told me that I could even send him pictures of the real-life cars to give him something to go by. You'd never get that kind of service out of any other manufacturer, but Weaver's small size makes stuff like that possible. Weaver is truly a modeler's line. Their items are typically very delicate but very easy to customize. These days I almost always order my cars from Weaver to be custom weathered. I then add on to their weathering job with my own weathering powders once they are delivered. My only gripe with Weaver, if you want to call it a gripe, is that most of their line centers on steam era or early diesel era items. They don't make as many modern cars as I would like. Nevertheless, the modern stuff that they do make is great! Though I didn't think it would help very much, I emailed Weaver with some suggestions for some more modern cars. To my surprise, they wrote back and asked me to send in pictures of the cars I'd like to see them make. I have no idea if they will actually make those items in the future, but I felt good about at least being able to talk to someone about it.

If you've got a question about any of my items, try the FAQ page!

Weaver Engines (3 items)

G1734LP Canadian National K5a

A beautiful steam engine which I had weatherized by Weaver to look a bit dirty. Awesome stuff. Made in 2013, added to my collection in January of 2014.

U7500L Undecorated GP38-2 Diesel Engine

Weaver sells their top of the line engines with Lionel's TMCC system installed. Wanting MTH's DCS system instead, I bought this engine with conventional controls. I plan to rip those out and install the DCS system as soon as I can. I'm then going to have these 2 undecorated GP38-2's custom painted in Georgia Northeastern Railroad livery. The GNRR is a local short line that runs through north Georgia (Including the town we live in) and into the southern tip of Tennessee. I left left the horn and windows off both units until they are painted. Stay tuned!

U7500LD Undecorated GP38-2 Diesel Engine (non-powered)

Just like above, but unpowered. Like the one above, I plan to have this undecorated unit custom painted in Georgia Northeastern Railroad livery. I can't wait!


Weaver Rolling Stock (64 items, sorted by item number)

G24013 Conrail H30 Hopper Car #74008

These were part of the last batch of cars I was able to order from Weaver before they shut their doors in mid-2015. Made in 2015, added to my collection in July of 2015.

G24013 Conrail H30 Hopper Car #74009

These were part of the last batch of cars I was able to order from Weaver before they shut their doors in mid-2015. Made in 2015, added to my collection in July of 2015.

MSHIP07LD Chateau Martin Woodside Refrigerator (2007 Collectors Station Club Car)

I joined Weavers "Collectors Station" club for the first this year, and this is the 2007 club car that Weaver has issued. This steam era car is completely character for my modern themed layout, but it's still a nice care nonetheless. The detailing is very well done, although the doors and hatches do not open. I was pleasantly surprised to get the entire club kit, including this car, within 1 week of signing up for the club. I was expecting to wait at least a couple months for anything to come, which is usually the case with any other manufacturer. In addition to the club car, I also got a club shirt, an embossed mini screw driver set and letter opener. Not bad for $60. Made in 2007, added to my collection in July of the same year.

MSHIP08LD Golden Loaf Flour PS-2 Covered Hopper #44323 (2008 Collectors Station Club Car)

The 2008 Weaver Club Car.

MSHIP09LD Stroh's (Little Girl) Woodside Refrigerator #1893 (2009 Collectors Station Club Car)

The 2009 Weaver Club Car. Very pretty.

MSHIP10LD TTX 40' Fish Belly Flat Car #475083 (2010 Collectors Station Club Car)

The 2010 Weaver Club Car. Very nicely done.

MSHIP10LD TTX 40' Fish Belly Flat Car #475084 (2010 Collectors Station Club Car)

Just like the other 2010 club car, but a different number.

MSHIP11LD Horseshoe Curve Beer Wood Side Refrigerator Car #307 (2011 Club Car #2)

The 2nd road number for Weaver's 2011 club car offering. Made in 2011, added to my set in May of the same year.

MSHIP11LD Horseshoe Curve Beer Wood Side Refrigerator Car #306 (2011 Club Car)

Weaver's 2011 club car. Very cool. Made in 2011, added to my set in May of the same year.

MSHIP12LD Indianapolis Power & Light 4 Bay High Side Coal Hopper High Side Hopper 10005

Weaver's 2012 club car. They offered 4 road numbers, I ordered 2. Made in 2012, added to my set in June of 2012.

MSHIP12LD Indianapolis Power & Light 4 Bay High Side Coal Hopper High Side Hopper 10075

The 2nd road number of Weaver's 2012 club car offering. Made in 2012, added to my set in June of 2012.

MSHIP13LD Con Agra PS-2 CD Grain Hopper #34770 (2013 Club Car)

Weaver's 2013 club car offering. A beautiful car. Made in 2013, added to my set in March of 2013.

MSHIP13LD Con Agra PS-2 CD Grain Hopper #34695 (2013 Club Car)

A 2nd road number for the 2013 club car. Made in 2013, added to my collection in March of 2013.

MSHIP15LD 2015 Weaver Club Car

This was the last club car that Weaver made before closing. It look awesome as usual. Made in 2015, added to my collection in July of 2015.

U12013 Union Pacific 57' Mechanical Reefer

I like this car a lot. It's very delicate, just like most styrene Weaver cars I've seen, but it's very intricately detailed. Very realistic looking!

U12021 Tropicana 57' Mechanical Reefer #1214

I ordered these back in 2007 and they were finally made in 2014. Kudos to Weaver for having my order on hand for 7 years! Made in 2014, added to my collection in December of 2014.

U12021 Tropicana 57' Mechanical Reefer #1230

Just like the other Tropicana reefer, but a different road number. Made in 2014, added to my collection in December of 2014.

U1326LD Corn Products 40' Tank Car #1336

Very nice, and the weathering job makes these puppies look even better! Added to my set in June of 2007.

U1326LD Corn Products 40' Tank Car #1337

Just like the one above, but with a different car number. Added to my set in June of 2007.

U14014 Canadian National 50' Plug Door Boxcar

This is a very nice piece and I've actually ordered 2 additional identical cars to accompany it. I originally ordered 4 additional units, but they went on backorder and I was only able to receive 2 of those 4.

U14014 Canadian National 50' Plug Door Boxcar

I've since added Weaver die-cast trucks and couplers to this car.

U14014 Canadian National 50' Plug Door Boxcar

I've since added Weaver die-cast trucks and couplers to this car.

U14024 RailBox 50' Plug Door Boxcar #12028

When I saw these in the Weaver 2008 catalog, I was really excited and ordered all 4 road numbers as soon as my budget permitted. As with most Weaver items I order, I requested that these be "weatherized". The cars are nicely done with a top notch paint job. Made in 2008, added to my set in August of 2008.

U14024 RailBox 50' Plug Door Boxcar #12150

Just like above, with a different car number. Added to my set in August of 2008.

U14024 RailBox 50' Plug Door Boxcar #12297

Just like above, with a different car number. Added to my set in August of 2008.

U14024 RailBox 50' Plug Door Boxcar #12435

Just like above, with a different car number. Added to my set in August of 2008.

U14031LD Gulf Mobile & Ohio 50' Plug Door Boxcar

Made in 2015, added to my collection in July of 2015.

U14031LD Gulf Mobile & Ohio 50' Plug Door Boxcar

Just like the other GMO boxcar, but with a different road number. Added to my collection in July of 2015.

U1605 Triple Crown RoadRailers (Large Logo)

These roadrailers are so cool. There are 3 road numbers in this set of 3: 461004,461009 and 461021. Made in 2011, added to my set in December of 2011.

U1700LD Undecorated Weathered 4-Bay Centerflow Hopper

I ordered this hopper in order to try out Weaver's "weatherize it" option. On request, Weaver will custom weather any car or engine they sell. What's interesting is that the cars are hand weathered by the staff at Weaver. Therefore, no 2 cars are weathered in exactly the same way. Pretty cool, huh? I have to say that I'm pleased with the results and I will most likely order the "weatherize it" option again. In case you're wondering, the "weatherize it" option adds $15 on to the price of whatever piece you're buying. I've since modified the weathering job on this car. I painted the brake wheel black and I also added the GALX (Georgia Power) markings and the 196252 car number. This car was added to my set in March of 2007

U1937LD Southern PS-2 Covered Hopper #4000

A well done weathering job makes these hoppers a great addition to my set. Built in 2007, added to my set in August of 2008.

U1937LD Southern PS-2 Covered Hopper #4063

Just like the car above, but with a different road number. Added to my set in August 2008.

U1937LD Southern PS-2 Covered Hopper #4117

Just like the car above, but with a different road number. Added to my set in August 2008.

U1937LD Southern PS-2 Covered Hopper #4198

Just like the car above, but with a different road number. Added to my set in August 2008.

U21606 Express Trak RoadRailers

Added to my set in 2009. Road numbers are 414503,414512,414517 and 414520.

U2924LD CSX 4-Bay High Side Hopper - Coke Express #295000

Great looking Coke cars. Made in 2012, added to my set in June 2012.

U2924LD CSX 4-Bay High Side Hopper - Coke Express #295065

Great looking Coke cars. Made in 2012, added to my set in June 2012.

U2924LD CSX 4-Bay High Side Hopper - Coke Express #295164

Great looking Coke cars. Made in 2012, added to my set in June 2012.

U2924LD CSX 4-Bay High Side Hopper - Coke Express #295209

Great looking Coke cars. Made in 2012, added to my set in June 2012.

U3736LD CSX PS-2 Central Discharge Grain Hopper #241112

Nicely done hoppers. I've custom weathered these cars since I bought them. Built in 2009, added to my set in April of 2009.

U3736LD CSX PS-2 Central Discharge Grain Hopper #241108

Identical to the car above, but a different road number. Built in 2009, added to my set in April of 2009.

U3736LD CSX PS-2 Central Discharge Grain Hopper #241105

Identical to the car above, but a different road number. Built in 2009, added to my set in April of 2009.

U3736LD CSX PS-2 Central Discharge Grain Hopper #241102

Identical to the car above, but a different road number. Built in 2009, added to my set in April of 2009.

U3737LD Union Pacific PS-2 CD Grain Hopper #87448

Made in 2010, added to my collection in August of 2010.

U3737LD Union Pacific PS-2 CD Grain Hopper #87447

Made in 2010, added to my collection in August of 2010.

U3737LD Union Pacific PS-2 CD Grain Hopper #87445

Made in 2010, added to my collection in August of 2010.

U4516 Georgia Kaolin #78588 50' Tank Car

I ordered the weatherizing option on all 4 of these cars and the folks at Weaver did a good job at weathering these pieces. These cars were also my first experience with Weaver tank cars, and I am very pleased with the detail and overall quality. I like the fact that you can order cars from Weaver directly on their website and you don't have to bother with a middle-man. I also like how their website tells you whether or not the car you want is currently in stock. When ordering an in-stock car, I've received all my orders within 2 weeks. Added to my set in April 2007.

U4516 Georgia Kaolin #78590 50' Tank Car

Just like the car above, but with a different road number. Added to my set in April 2007.

U4516LD Georgia Kaolin #78571 50' Tank Car

Just like the car above, but with a different road number. Added to my set in April 2007.

U4516LD Georgia Kaolin #78578 50' Tank Car

Just like the car above, but with a different road number. Added to my set in April 2007.

U4900LD Undecorated 4 Bay High Side Coal Hopper w/GALX custom livery

This car came undecorated from Weaver and I have since added the GALX (Georgia Power) markings to the sides. GALX coal loaded hoppers roll through here all the time. I still have some additional details to add to this car before it's complete. Though my work on this car is not 100% prototypically accurate, I'm trying to emulate the GALX car seen in this photo. I will be decorating the other 2 undecorated hoppers below in the same way. I used rub on lettering this time, but it was a major pain the butt so I will probably use decals next time. Added to my set in February 2007.

U4900LD Undecorated 4 Bay High Side Coal Hopper

An Undecorated Hopper. I haven't assigned a roadname to this yet.

U4900LD Undecorated 4 Bay High Side Coal Hopper

An undecorated hopper. I have not assigned a roadname to this car yet.

U4907 Maryland Midland 4 Bay High Side Hopper

Just like to other MMID hopper, but with a different road number. Made in 2015, added to my collection in July of 2015.

U4907LD Maryland Midland 4 Bay High Side Hopper

Part of my last order from Weaver before they closed. Made in 2015, added to my collection in July of 2015.

U4918LD L&N 4 Bay High Side Coal Hopper #193426

I love the weathering job the folks at Weaver did on these hoppers. Any L&N stuff still on the roads today is certainly going to look pretty old, so these are just perfect! I will probably add even more weathering effects myself. Added to my set in June 2007.

U4918LD L&N 4 Bay High Side Coal Hopper #193762

Just like above, with a different car number. Added to my set in June 2007.

U4918LD L&N 4 Bay High Side Coal Hopper #193762

ust like above, literally. I made a mistake when ordering this car and accidentally got a car number that I already had (see above car). I think that I may try to change the number on this car to correct for my blunder. Added to my set in June 2007.

U4918LD L&N 4 Bay High Side Coal Hopper #193647

Just like above, with a different car number. Added to my set in June 2007.

U4918LD L&N 4 Bay High Side Coal Hopper #193856

Just like above, with a different car number. Added to my set in June 2007.

Uncataloged Fall Tour 2007 Northeastern Caboose

This is the souvenir caboose from the Fall 2007 Weaver factory tour that the folks at OGR magazine put together. I had to cancel my plans to attend the tour at the last minute, but since I had already paid for the caboose they were kind enough to send it to me. It's got a very nice weight to it and the interior is lighted and nicely detailed. Made in 2007, added to my set in November of 2007.

Uncataloged Fall Tour 2010 50' Plug Door Boxcar

This is the special car made for the OGR magazine sponsored fall tour of the Weaver factor for 2010. Added to my collection in October of 2010.

Weaver Ultra Line BNSF #2003 PS-1 40' Boxcar

This being one of the first Weaver car I ever had, I was a little disappointed at first. The body seemed to be made of flimsy plastic and the trucks seemed to be cheaply made. I didn't want to pass judgment to quickly, so I asked someone to explain Weaver cars to me on the O-gauge magazine forum. Apparently, Weaver cars are geared for kit hobbyists. They claim that the styrene plastic takes paint better than the ABS plastic used by Lionel and MTH. They also said that the trucks were available in sturdier die-cast models, but that the cheaper trucks were made for 2-rail layouts. The paint job on this car is pretty good and the detailing is done well. I especially like the detailing on the brake wheel. I have since replaced the plastic trucks on this car with die-cast Lionel metal sprung trucks.

Weaver Ultra Line Conrail #171039 Boxcar (model number not known)

This was the first Weaver car that I got. Not knowing much about Weaver at the time, I actually bought a 2-rail car instead of 3-rail. I took off the plastic wheels and added Lionel die-cast sprung trucks. I've since Weathered this car. It was one of first weathering jobs, so I'm sure it's not as well done as future cars will be. Nevertheless, I think I did a pretty good job on it.

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This page last updated: January 16th, 2023      Contact me at:

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