Eric's Modern Trains: GALX

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GALX Rolling Stock (2 items, sorted by item number)

Weaver U1700LD Undecorated Weathered 4-Bay Centerflow Hopper

I ordered this hopper in order to try out Weaver's "weatherize it" option. On request, Weaver will custom weather any car or engine they sell. What's interesting is that the cars are hand weathered by the staff at Weaver. Therefore, no 2 cars are weathered in exactly the same way. Pretty cool, huh? I have to say that I'm pleased with the results and I will most likely order the "weatherize it" option again. In case you're wondering, the "weatherize it" option adds $15 on to the price of whatever piece you're buying. I've since modified the weathering job on this car. I painted the brake wheel black and I also added the GALX (Georgia Power) markings and the 196252 car number. This car was added to my set in March of 2007

Weaver U4900LD Undecorated 4 Bay High Side Coal Hopper w/GALX custom livery

This car came undecorated from Weaver and I have since added the GALX (Georgia Power) markings to the sides. GALX coal loaded hoppers roll through here all the time. I still have some additional details to add to this car before it's complete. Though my work on this car is not 100% prototypically accurate, I'm trying to emulate the GALX car seen in this photo. I will be decorating the other 2 undecorated hoppers below in the same way. I used rub on lettering this time, but it was a major pain the butt so I will probably use decals next time. Added to my set in February 2007.


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