Eric's Modern Trains: CRLE

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CRLE Rolling Stock (3 items, sorted by item number)

MTH 20-93464 Coe Rail 50' High Cube Box Car #119764

The first items to arrive from my 2009 vol. 2 catalog order. Nicely done, just like all of MTH's High Cubes. I liked the fact that this was a striking green color and I also don' t have much Coe Rail stuff so that made it even more attractive. Made in 2009, added to my collection in September of 2009.

MTH 20-93464 Coe Rail 50' High Cube Box Car #119705

Just like the car above, but with a different road name and road number. Made in 2009, added to my set in September of 2009.

MTH 20-95059 Coe Rail Husky Stack Car

Made in 2006, added to my set in March 2007.


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