Eric's Modern Trains: CNW

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CNW Engines (1 items)

Lionel 1-8816 Chicago & Northwestern GP-38 Diesel Locomotive #4600

When I first started playing with my dad's set in 1990, I bought this GP-38 engine to give the old UP 2023 a break. As with many early 90's items that Lionel put out, this one was comprised of mostly plastic pieces, so it sustained a lot of damage over the years. The horn was snapped off, but I have since replaced it. I also replaced the front truck and motor assembly, as the original was damaged. It is now is good operational order, although its conventional configuration makes it pretty much useless on my modern digital layout. Though this engine is pretty darn flimsy and cheap, one good quality that it does have is that it is VERY fast. Don't' ask me how, but this thing really flies and would give any of my new locomotives a run for their money.


CNW Rolling Stock (4 items, sorted by item number)

Lionel 2792645 Chicago & Northwestern Lighted Caboose

Not bad at all. The interior and marker lighting is great. For $25 it's a definite home run. Added to my fleet in November 2017.

Lionel 6-16533 Chicago & Northwest Bay Window Caboos

This was one of the first new cars I got for the set back in the early 90's. For the time, it was a pretty nice car. It doesn't have die-cast trucks, but it's quite attractive nevertheless. It's a lighted caboose, and I have made a custom modification by placing thin paper over all of the windows. Not only does covering the windows give the illuminated car a warmer look, but it also provides a bit more realism since you are not able to look into the car and see the light assembly. I like to use this technique on a lot of my other lighted train accessories as well. The paper is attached with some Elmer's glue, so it can be easily removed at any time.

Lionel 6-27184 Chicago & Northwestern 3-bay Hopper #135001

This car is all die-cast and is incredibly well done as well as quite heavy. Built in 2007 and added to my set in January 2008.

Lionel 6-27185 Chicago & Northwestern 3-bay Hopper #135002

I got this car about a week after the one above. Same car, different road number. Built in 2007 and added to my set in January 2008.


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This page last updated: January 16th, 2023      Contact me at:

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