Eric's Modern Trains: ARR

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ARR Rolling Stock (3 items, sorted by item number)

2793060 Alaska Railroad Flat Car w/Stakes

For $30 this isn't bad at all. It almost looks scale, as a matter of fact. It's got a wooden deck to boot. Added to my fleet in November of 2017.

2793065 Alaska Railroad Hopper

The best hopper you can get for $20, hands down. Not perfect, but for the price who cares? Added to my fleet in November of 2017.

MTH 30-79091 Alaska Operating Flat Car w/Logs

I picked this car up outside of Chicago while on a business trip. It's a 2005 model and I picked it up in November of the same year. This log dump car is much better looking than the Lionel counterpart, in my opinion.


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